情 & 幼儿园 are some of the most formative years of a child’s life. 在布鲁克山学校, we are working with our preschool and kindergarten students to lay the foundation for learning that will help them be successful for the rest of their life. We do this through a variety of innovative practices and phonics programs that keep students active and engaged at every level of learning. 从学前班和幼儿园开始, 学生学习艺术, 音乐, 技术, 公众演讲, 甚至管理科学实验室.

As a Christian school, we strive to create a culture of genuine love and care. We hope that this trains up our students in a nurturing environment, and that our preschool and kindergarten program develops students that are prepared, 挑战, 确认, 在身体上受到鼓励, 心, 和精神. We see successful and happy students moving onward to excellence and success as we partner with families in the growth and development of their children. We hope that we can partner with your family in this endeavor as well.


孩子为什么要上学前班 & 幼儿园?

经过多年的研究, one thing is clear: students who attend preschool and kindergarten are better prepared than those who don’t. 在布鲁克山, our experienced faculty and staff are dedicated to helping students grow educationally, 就我个人而言, 和精神ually as we lay the foundation for them to succeed not only in college, 但在他们的余生里!



什么叫布鲁克山学前班 & 幼儿园如此独特?


  • We focus on the most important indicator of success: your child’s individual needs.
  • We keep Christ at the center of everything we do. We’re not just teaching students, we’re raising young citizens for God’s world.
  • We help students learn how to learn by encouraging curiosity and creating space for students to find answers and solve problems.
  • We design hands-on experiences and opportunities for students to learn about their world.
  • We ask open-ended questions and create a culture that welcomes questions and conversations.
  • We help students learn self-control, patience, and kindness. We also teach them how to respond to frustration and how to solve conflicts.
  • We build confidence in students through presentations and 公众演讲 from the youngest ages.
  • We make time for students to explore their creative interests, 不仅仅是在艺术领域, 但是通过技术, 体育活动, 自由玩耍.


















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We look forward to connecting with you to help you make the best-informed decision possible for your family.




Welcome Brook Hill’s New 校长, Braxton Brady


After an extensive search process and much prayer from the entire Brook Hill community, I am pleased to announce that Braxton Brady will join Brook Hill as our new 校长, 7月1日生效, 2024.



This week is “Great Book Week” at the 较低的学校! 为了纪念伟大的图书周, “Pumpkins on Parade” will be taking place in the library for the remainder of this week and next week. Pumpkins on Parade is a contest where students decorate or disguise a pumpkin to resemble a character from a library […]



  这是斯盖茨一家! Cole and Mollianna have two boys at our 较低的学校, Landon (2nd Grade) and Charlie (幼儿园). The 斯盖茨家族 chose Brook Hill after attending our 较低的学校 Look & See a few years ago, and they couldn’t be happier about their choice. We have loved hearing about their journey to […]



We got to join our 低年级创新俱乐部 this afternoon for an insightful activity on why leaves change color in the Fall.  十大网赌app排行榜的两个寄宿学生, 琼和黑兹尔, are helping sponsor this club along with our Innovation Teacher, Ms. 做苦工! The club meets every Wednesday and explores a vast selection of topics […]



The Scates family are new to Brook Hill this year, and they couldn’t be happier about their choice. We have loved hearing about their journey to Brook Hill and are excited to share it with you!     Mollianna and Cole Scates were raised in the Tyler area, both attending local public high schools. 当[…]

Parent Perspective: The Value of Christian Education


One of the defining aspects of a Brook Hill education is the culture and environment created by the Christian worldview that is embodied by our community. We got the chance to hear more about how this culture is changing the lives of our families from the Albea’s. Travis自2012年以来一直在Brook Hill工作,[…]



The Harrison family relocated to East Texas this year from Kansas City, 然后立刻爱上了布鲁克山! 阿希利 loved it so much, she even decided to join our faculty as a 幼儿园 teacher.   Landreigh, 阿希利, LouElla-Kate, Quinten, and Lynnox Harrison   What brought your family to East Texas? 十大网赌app排行榜的旅程[…]

Download our free guide to choosing the right school

What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a school for your family? 在这里下载十大网赌app排行榜的免费指南.
